Final Project

Before this course, I really did not have a PLN. I did not even really know what it was or the impact that it could have on a person/community. But, after learning in this class, I’ve realized its importance. A PLN should be professional, you can have other, more private, forms of social media. But a PLN really should be focusing on expanding your own mind and hearing first-person accounts of things that are happening all over the world. Its presence should be wholesome enough to be able to show your grandparents with information that is accessible and put in a way to reach people of varying education levels. I think that teachers should be able to post whatever they want on their personal social media, but have the privacy settings done in a way that parents or kids cannot see it. In my podcast-esque video, we discussed how your PLN should be a platform you could turn to learn more about any subject. Shelley Moore says that “Learning is reciprocal”, and she makes a wonderful point. People can learn so much simply by listening to one another.